सरल सम्वाद SIMPLE DIALOG
ज्ञानकर्मसन्यासयोग / Gyaankarmasanyasyog
जब-जब धर्म की ग्लानि होती है और अधर्म की प्रबलता हो जाती है अर्थ असुर प्रबल होते हैं तब मैं जन्म लेकर स्वयं को प्रकट करता हूं ;साधु की रक्षा और दुष्टों के विनाश तथा धर्म की स्थापना हेतु में युग-युग में जन्म लेता हूं |
Whenever dharma is in downfall (dutiful work not being done) and unrighteousness prevails i.e. Asuras (demons/evil) prevail, then I (Krishna, the narrator refers to himself as the total energy in the universe) take birth and reveal myself; for the protection of the sages and the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of dharma(righteousness), I am born again and again, across all ages.
योगयुक्त ज्ञानी कर्म में अकर्म और अकर्म में कर्म देखता है | मूर्ख हठपूर्वक कर्म छोड़कर( निवृत्ति) अकर्मी होते हुए भी कर्म करता है ;बुद्धि से | योगी कर्म करते हुए( प्रवृत्ति) भी निष्काम होने से अकर्मी होता है |
A wise yogi(yogi is a person engaged in yoga; steady, stable, calm mind working for public well being, considers all souls as equal, does not have prejudice/bias towards anything) sees inaction(does not feel bondage) in action(doing work) and action in inaction(meditating/theoretical thinking). A fool stubbornly leaves work (retirement) and works even though he is indolent; his mind is always engaged in sensory objects/topics and other worldly desires. A yogi becomes indolent(in mind; as he does not have any expectations for the outcome of work) by being selfless even while performing actions.
कर्मयोगी प्रवृत्ति कर्म एवं उसके फल की आसक्ति छोड़कर जो नित्यतृप्त है और सदा अपने में विद्यमान आत्मानंद से पूर्णतया तृप्त है ,अतः निराश्रय है ,किसी बाह्य आश्रय की अपेक्षा नही ं रखता वह कर्म करते हुए भी अकर्मी रहता है |
Karmayogi (yogi engaged in physical/practical work), one who is eternally satisfied leaving attachment to work and its fruits and is always completely satisfied with self-bliss ,present in himself (aware and working for welfare of soul/conscious), therefore he is independent, does not expect any external support, he remains inactive(not bound to work) even while doing work.
आसक्ति रहित, ज्ञान में जिसका चित्त स्थित हो गया है, ऐसा मुक्त पुरुष यज्ञ (लोक संग्रह) हेतु अपना कर्तव्य करता है |उसके सभी कर्म अकर्म बन जाते हैं | ब्रह्मा, जिसको कर्म से कुछ लेना-देना नहीं ,अनवरत इस यज्ञ-चक्र में स्वयं को व्यस्त रखे हुए हैं, तो मनुष्य को उसका प्रतिनिधि होने हेतु उस यज्ञ में अपने कर्तव्य संपन्न करने चाहिए | 'इदं न मम' ममत्व और स्वार्थ का त्याग करके ब्रह्मार्पणपूर्वक जीवन के व्यवहार का संचालन भी एक महान यज्ञ है |
Such a liberated man, free from attachments, whose mind seeks only knowledge, does his duty for the public welfare. All his actions(work) become inaction(do not bind him). Brahma (meaning energy), who has nothing to do with karma(has nothing to gain by doing work), is constantly busy in this creation/destruction cycle(electromagnetic radiation colliding to form mass particles like matter-antimatter example electron-positron pair and matter-antimatter particles colliding and annihilating back to electromagnetic radiation again), so person should perform his duties in the same way so the matter creation cycle can remain steady and sustainable in the universe(as representative of god, who represents total energy in universe, is indestructible and constant). 'इदं न मम'('Idam na mam') is a saying which means "This is not mine"(abandoning attachment and selfishness), conduct of life with devotion to god is a great work.
परब्रह्मा परमात्मा में ज्ञान द्वारा एकीभाव से स्थित होना ही ब्रह्मारूप अग्नि में यज्ञ के द्वारा यज्ञ को हवन करना है,अर्थ परमात्मा में आत्मा को समर्पित करना व आत्मरूप यज्ञ से परमात्मरूप का यजन करना |
To be situated in unison with energy and soul through knowledge is to do noble work for society welfare(for peace and well-being of all souls) which leads to long, blissful life similar to the way in which matter created from electromagnetic radiation in the universe exist in equilibrium for long periods of time(planets rotating stars, planets rotating along axes, stars being born/dying etc).
यज्ञ करो अर्थ कर्म करो ,हवन यज्ञ, स्वाध्याय यज्ञ, इंद्रिय नियमन यज्ञ, प्राणायाम यज्ञ ,आहार नियमन यज्ञ, उद्योग यज्ञ |
Do selfless practices(work) , devotion practice, self learning practice, restraint on senses practice, Pranayama(controlled breathing) practice, Diet Regulation practice, manufacturing/industry practice.
मूल रूप में आत्मा परमात्मा स्वभाव एक ही है अर्थ आत्मा परब्रह्मा के मूलतत्व चैतन्य,निर्लिप्तता,पवित्रता एक जैसे ही है |
In the basic form, the nature of the soul is the same as that of the pure energy in the form of massless electromagnetic radiation.(consciousness, detachment, purity).
ज्ञान के समान पवित्र करने वाला और कुछ भी नहीं है | ज्ञान को निरंतर साधना करते हुए योगसंसिद्धि कालांतर में अपने अंदर ही प्राप्त कर लेता है |
There is nothing as purifying as knowledge. By seeking/gaining knowledge continuously(through theoretical(thinking) or practical(experimental) work), a person attains Yogasiddhi (calm,steady mind without any prejudice/bias in all situations) within himself over a period of time.
अज्ञान से उत्पन्न संशय को ज्ञानरूपी तलवार से काट कर कर्मयोग कर |
Do karma yoga (practical work) by cutting the doubt arising from ignorance with the sword of knowledge.